About us

Young and creative

Latro leonis d.o.o. and Lion entertainment j.d.o.o. are two sister companies with an indigenous ownership and management structure which, under the common umbrella name LEONIS ENTERTAINMENT, have been branding and operating since 2012. We are young, creative and innovative people who have had the good fortune in life to be able to professionally engage in what they love most – most of all tourist animation, but also all the related forms of creating unforgettable moments and fond memories.

Why choose

We understand the current trends in tourism and their trends. Through years of experience we have created our own brand and know-how in performing tourist animation business. Our access to each destination, resort, hotel and campsite is individual. The qualities that embellish us are commitment, flexibility, innovation, adaptability and loyalty. As a company, we have emerged and operate in an environment of large competing companies, and we grow continuously year after year. For a reason.


Our goals are directed at our partners and employees.
We want to provide our partners with a quality and adequate animation program, but also the implementation of the same in order to help create a destination brand, retain guests within the tourist facility and thus increase extra-board consumption, added value and value for money, and a satisfied guest who will be returning to that destination. With constant monitoring of the effectiveness of the animation program and continuous improvement of the animation program, we want to justify the trust of present and future partners.
We want to provide our employees with quality guidance and education primarily. Through the platform that our company has, we are able to discover, create and perfect their abilities and talents. Our employees are the co-authors of our story and that is why we do not care who we give the pen to.